Monday, April 3: Tusculum Drive and side streets, Tempura Drive and side streets, Tiffin Drive and side streets, Tuskegee Drive extension, Scarboro Neighborhood
Tuesday, April 4: Woodland Area
Wednesday, April 5: Hendrix Creek Subdivision
Thursday, April 6: Baypath Drive and side streets, Briarcliff Avenue and side streets, Elmhurst Drive and side streets, Stonebridge
Friday, April 7: Emory Valley Subdivision, Emory Heights Subdivision, Riverbend Subdivision
Monday, April 10: Rivers Subdivision, Marywater Lane, Marywood Court, Rivers Run Subdivision, Park Meade Drive, Center Park Lane, Palisades Parkway
Tuesday, April 11: East Drive and all side streets including Reel Heights/Tanglewood Subdivision, Athens Road, Alger Road and side streets, Arkansas Avenue and side streets, Albany Road, Alhambra Road, Arcadia Lane and Place
Wednesday, April 12: Outer Drive and side streets from Florida Avenue to California Avenue, Delaware Avenue and side streets, California Avenue and side streets
Thursday, April 13: Georgia Avenue and side streets, Florida Avenue and side streets, Outer Drive and side streets from Michigan Avenue to Florida Avenue, East Tennessee Avenue and side streets
Friday, April 14: West Tennessee Avenue, Michigan Avenue and side streets, Kentucky Avenue and side streets
Monday, April 17: New York Avenue and side streets, Utah Avenue and side streets, Outer Drive from New York Avenue to Michigan Avenue, Orchard Lane and Circle, Orkney Road
Tuesday, April 18: Pennsylvania Avenue and side streets, Vermont Avenue and side streets, N. Tulane Avenue, Outer Drive and side streets from Pennsylvania Avenue to New York Avenue
Wednesday, April 19: West Outer Drive and side streets from Illinois Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue, Hillside Road and side streets from Highland Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue
Thursday, April 20: Robertsville Road from N. Illinois Avenue to Highland Avenue, Raleigh Road, Robin Lane, Ivanhoe Road and side streets, East side of N. Illinois Avenue and side streets, Hillside Road and side streets from Illinois Avenue to Highland Ave., Henley Road and Henley Place, Highland Avenue and side streets
Friday, April 21: West side of N. Illinois Avenue and side streets, Iroquois Avenue and side streets, Robertsville Road from Jefferson Avenue to N. Illinois Avenue, Valley Forge Drive
Monday, April 24: Wiltshire Drive, Jefferson Circle, Latimer Road, Robertsville Road and side streets from Louisiana Avenue to Jefferson Avenue, Jefferson Avenue and side streets, Johnson Road and side streets, West Outer Drive and side streets from Louisiana Avenue to Illinois Avenue
Tuesday, April 25: Robertsville Road and side streets from Melbourne Road to Louisiana Avenue, Bradley Avenue, E. and W. Bryn Mawr Road, Bermuda Road and all side streets, Salem Road and side streets, Sheridan Circle and Place, N. and S. Seneca Road, Louisiana Avenue and side streets, Lawton Road, Lancaster Road, Lansing Road, LaSalle Road and side streets
Wednesday, April 26: Montana Avenue and side streets, Monticello Road, Miramar Circle, Mohawk Road, Montclair Road and side streets, Windham Road and side streets, West Outer Drive and side streets from Montana Avenue up to, but not including Louisiana Avenue, Morningside Drive and side streets, Morgan Road, Mississippi Avenue
Thursday, April 27: Newridge Road, Normandy Road, Newell Lane, Nebraska Avenue and side streets, Newhaven Road and side streets, Netherland Road and side streets, Newport Drive and side streets, New Bedford Lane, Nantucket Way, West Outer Drive and side streets from Nebraska Avenue up to, but not including Montana Avenue
Friday, April 28: Preserve at Clinch River, Country Club Estates, Oklahoma Avenue, Mason Lane, Westover Drive, Wildwood Drive, Gates Drive, Grandcove Lane, Golfcrest Lane, Greenwood Lane, Goldenview Lane, Whippoorwill Drive and side streets, William Lane, Wildcat Lane, Winchester Circle, West Southwood Lane, East Southwood Lane, Sweetgum Lane, West Outer Drive and all side streets from the west end up to, but not including Nebraska Avenue, Jackson Crossing Subdivision